As our focus on woman entrepreneurs continues, we're pleased to introduce Tina Denuit-Wojcik, co-founder of Enplug and Vice President of Engineering, as our featured August businesswoman.


Full name: Tina Denuit-Wojcik

Co-founder of: Enplug digital signage 

HQ location: Los Angeles, CA


Favorite Quote: "A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner" – Author Unknown

Background Info: I like to work hard and play hard. My work should always give me as much satisfaction as my private life. Shortly after graduating in Computer Science from AGH in Krakow, I moved to the US to work for Microsoft. It made me a better engineer, but being a cog in a big machine was never for me. I wanted to have much more impact. In 2012, I joined Enplug's founding team as Director of Engineering. It enabled me to build great technology with the right people.

Also, I love software engineering, diving and motorcycle riding!

What made you what you are: I grew up with 6 male cousins in the family. In college and later at work I was often the only woman developer in the team. In this very male-centric environment, I had to prove myself over and over again. This taught me that if you are passionate about something you have to fight for it and not let others bring you down.

Advice you would give to other entrepreneurs: When building a company, things always take longer than you'd expect or wish them to. You need to make sure you are doing what you love and with the right people because you will be doing it for a long time before things work out. Perseverance and commitment are key.

Entrepreneur you most admire and why? Jeff Bezos. He keeps revolutionizing markets which seem outside of his domain. Like making the foremost cloud technology company out of an already great online book store.

Most embarrassing moment: After I announced to our European partners that we had added the long-awaited support for some Eastern European languages, I realized that the version we had just deployed didn't have it.

Favorite thing about your office: Being there is optional! I am big fan of working remotely. Engineers are at their most productive when working in an environment that is comfortable to them.

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