We are pleased to introduce Gabriella Draney, founder of Tech Wildcatters and April's woman entrepreneur extraordinaire. Her story marks the third in turnstone's year-long focus on women blazing trails in the world of business. You can read more about our series here. 


Full name: Gabriella Draney

Founder of: Tech Wildcatters, Health Wildcatters, globeStart, TLC Foods

HQ location:  Dallas, TX

Contact:  @gabdraney

Favorite Quote: My laptop wallpaper has one of my favorite quotes by Leonardo da Vinci. “Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”

Background Information:  What can I say? I love startups. Entrepreneurs are constantly learning, dealing with adversity and holding themselves accountable. They’re the kind of people I like to be around. Starting and running a top accelerator has been one of the most challenging and rewarding things I’ve ever done.

What made you what you are:  I grew up a little bit differently than most, spending a lot of time in Mexico doing missionary work with my father. However, my son has defined my adult life. Setting an example for him since I was 20 years old gave me direction and a sense of responsibility. Funny how when you do things for others, you find success.

Advice you would give to other entrepreneurs: Don’t give up. Change your approach when necessary and remain open, but never quit. It’s the only reason entrepreneurs fail.

Entrepreneur you most admire and why?: I love Richard Branson’s love of life. It shines straight through him and infects everything he does.

Favorite thing about your office: It’s a converted 105 year old church. What’s not to love? No space is cool enough to replace the feeling you get working around amazing people though, and that’s what truly makes ours special.


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